Below is a description of JSON response from the OCR engine
Field | Type and description |
license_api_state | Integer. Contains code of error |
license_api_message | String. Contains message of error |
license | String. Missing |
result | String. Missing |
engine_version | String. Contains version number of OCR Engine |
processing_time_ms | integer. Total time in milliseconds OCR engine used on recognition. |
recognition_type | String. BIC of ILU. Detected container code standard. BIC (ISO 6346) or ILU (EN 13044-1) |
result | String. The recognized container code ([A-Z]{3}\[ABDEJKZU]) with the highest confidence factor. |
checksum | String. "-1" = Cannot do the checksum calculation due to missing characters. |
iso_size_type | String. If recognition_type is BIC, then the value will be the recognized ISO Size Type (4 alphanumerics) |
confidence | String. This value indicates the total confidence factor of the recognition. A value of 84 and above is the same as 95% accuracy of recognition. Values below 84 indicate lower accuracy than 95%. |
confidence_characters | This section gives information about the recognized character and the confidence factor of each. |
character[1-15] | String. Reference to the identified character. |
confidence | String. Confidence factor of the recognized character. |
recognition_area | This section gives information about the area of detection. |
ul_x | Integer. Upper left X coordinate |
ul_y | Integer. Upper left Y coordinate |
lr_x | Integer. Lower right X coordinate |
lr_y | Integer. Lower right Y coordinate |
recognition_area_characters | This section has a subsection for each recognized character. |
character[1-15] | There will be one section for each recognized character. Each section gives information about the area of recognition. |
ul_x | Integer. Upper left X coordinate |
ul_y | Integer. Upper left Y coordinate |
lr_x | Integer. Lower right X coordinate |
lr_y | Integer. Lower right Y coordinate |
candidates | A set of subsections that holds information about additional candidates ordered by confidence factor: each section has the following fields. |
recognition_type | String. BIC of ILU. |
Result | String. [A-Z]{3}\[ABDEJKZU] |
checksum | String. "-1" = Cannot do the checksum calculation due to missing characters. |
iso_size_type | String. |
confidence | Integer. Confidence factor of recognition. As this is a candidate, this will always be lower than the main result. |
image_metadata | This section will output some image metadata. |
image_resolution | It contains information about the resolution of the processed image. |
width | Integer. The width of the image |
height | Integer. The height of the image. |